Flour + Fabric

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Journey 2 Nebula - Gazebo: Finished!

I had mostly finished this project back in November and only had the binding left in December. Life being what it is and Christmas happening, this got left to the bottom of the pile, but as of today, it is complete! I wrote most of this post as I finished the binding, thinking that I would have it finished the next day. Best laid plans, as they say. Anyway, it has some good information, so I'm not going to rewrite it, just include this little preface.

Jaybird Quilts Gazebo was the next stop on the Journey 2 Nebula. I laid it out several weeks ago and finally managed to piece it and quilt it. The piecing went swimmingly. Everything went together smoothly, and the finished project looks great. I've mentioned before I clap when I enjoy how a project has or is coming together, and I did that with this project.

It was also a surprisingly quick sew. I thought it would take me several hours to get through piecing all the half hexies and triangles, but to my surprise, it was less than an hour and a half. I did chain piece the different sections. I've found that chain piecing moves my projects along more quickly, if only in my head.

The quilting isn't my best work. I experimented with some free motion quilting and some ruler work. It's pretty impressive that I can quilt such a wobbly line with a straight edge. It's okay. It doesn't look terrible from a distance. I did use the black sections to try out some free motion meandering with stars that I'm thinking of trying when I finally finish my Jelly Snowflake Quilt. That went better than I thought it would go, so I'm excited to complete that project.

I debated between binding the project with black or the bright chartreuse color but decided black would be a nice finish to the whole thing. I used some random fat quarters I had in my stash for the backing. Gazebo was very much a practice piece and less of a project I'll actually put out or use regularly. It does seem wasteful to think of it that way, and I may use it for something at some point, but sometimes to get past being stuck on a project, I have to put away my perfectionist tendencies and just do it.

Now that I've finished binding it (a task that also went faster than I thought once I just sat down and did it) and washed it, I'm happier with the finished product. My quilting is still not the best, but it looks better than before I threw it in the washer and dryer because of the crinkly-washed-fabric look. I'm still not sure that I'm going to do anything with it besides check it off the list, but I'm happy that it's done.

I received the fabric for my first four blocks of the Nebula quilt. I'm debating if I want to finish the last of the Journey projects first or if I want to just jump right in.

Fabric: Assorted solids
Thread: Aurafil 50wt, 2600
Batting: Unknown from the leftover pile, likely 100% cotton
Pattern: Jaybird Quilts Gazebo
Total Hours Spent: 5 hours, 34 minutes